How Long Can You Store Fresh Water in Your RV Tank?

Person spraying Fresh water from RV hose

One of my favorite things is heading out in my RV to a remote area and enjoying nature disconnected from the grid. But along with the freedom and adventure comes the question every RVer eventually asks: How long can you store fresh water in your RV tank? Well, folks, the short and sweet answer is … Read more

DIY Heated RV Water Hose: Step-By-Step Guide

Graphic to RV heated water hose guide

Camping in the winter can be a lot of fun. However, some challenges must be overcome, especially if the temperature drops below freezing. The main concern is preventing water from freezing in your RV plumbing lines and the water supply hose feeding your RV. A heated water hose is a must-have when camping in winter. … Read more

RV Water Heater Troubleshooting: A Complete Guide

mechanic next to an RV water heater

In this article, I’ll walk you through every aspect of the RV water heater. While water heaters are not very complicated appliances, when they don’t work as anticipated, it’s not always easy to figure out what’s going wrong. This article is a bit long, so I highly suggest clicking on the table of contents below … Read more

The RV Water System Troubleshooting & Repair Guide

image of RV appearing to drive on water

As an avid RVer who has faced various water system challenges, I’ve had my experience with RV water problems and maintenance needs for the various components of the RV fresh water system, including the water storage tank, city water connection, water lines, water heater, and water pump. In this article, I’ll walk you through common … Read more

Below freezing weather in Florida: What should you do?

graphic of an RV next to a graphic of the state of Florida

What do you do when the forecast calls for temperatures to drop below freezing overnight while you’re camping in your RV? Are you worried about water lines freezing? Will you be warm enough? How cold is too cold? Don’t worry. We have some answers for you. For people camping in the winter in areas where … Read more

Upgrading your RV to a Tankless Water Heater

tankless hot water heater for an RV

Are you looking to upgrade your RV hot water system to an RV tankless water heater? A few short years ago, RV tankless water heaters were more of a luxury if you were willing to pay for one. However, they have recently dropped in price and are finding their way into new RVs as standard … Read more

Don’t Let your RV Water Heater Freeze: A Costly Mistake

frozen RV water heater that split

What happens if you forget to drain your RV water heater for the winter? Winterizing your RV isn’t just a good idea in areas where temperatures drop below freezing; it’s a necessity if you want to avoid expensive and complicated repairs. If you don’t do it, water will freeze, pipes will burst, and you’ll never … Read more